Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Taste of Sem

January 18-20, 2014
 Taste of the Sem is an opportunity for high school men to spend a weekend at the Seminary to study theology, pray, worship, meet and talk with Seminary students and professors. Participants will spend time with one Seminary student at his field education congregation on Sunday morning and attend classes with him on Monday morning.
The event is designed to provide a sense of Seminary life for those who think God might be directing them toward the pastoral ministry. The main goals of Taste of the Sem are to help participants gain a better understanding of what we confess when we say, ”Faith alone, Scripture alone, Grace alone,” discover the significant historical impact of the Lutheran reformation on the church and world; and study the Scriptures with Seminary professors to find out why we believe in justification by grace through faith. Throughout the weekend, visitors can also participate in sports tournaments for volleyball, basketball, foosball, and ping-pong.

Contact Pastor Seabaugh for more information at